Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Nutrition Month!

Did you know that March is Nutrition Month?  The theme this month is Celebrate Food...From Field to Table.  The Dietitians of Canada have a great website that is a tremendous resource to people.  It offers everything from games to recipes to nutrition challenges.  Also included on the website is the Eating + Activity Tracker (EATracker).  EATracker assesses your food choices and provides personalized feedback on your total intake of energy (calories) and essential nutrients.  This is then compared to what is recommended for your age, gender, and activity level. It also determines your body mass index (BMI) and provides information to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.  Check it out!  Healthy eating and physical activity are key determinants of health!

1 comment:

  1. Nutrition month? Never heard it before. Is that exist??
